I have acquired rights which CPC should I do?
So you passed your category B car test prior to January 1st 1997. This means that you have acquired rights more commonly known as grandfather rights. You have now decided that you want to embark on your Hgv career and begin driving for a living.
Now regardless of which category you choose to achieve (C / C+E) or whether you stick with your C1 that you will have due to the acquired rights you still need to obtain your Driver CPC qualification card.
To do so you must either undergo a weeks periodic CPC course (CPC 35 Hours) or pass a CPC Module 2 & Module 4 Test ( Initial CPC).
Now not many people will realise that although the CPC Module 2 & 4 are known as Initial CPC with acquired rights you are now given the choice between Initial CPC or Periodic 35 Hours CPC.
BOTH of these types of CPC will result in you obtaining your driver CPC qualification card.
Now you want to know which option to chose! So I will list a few pros and cons for both to help you make your choice.
Quick turn around time.
Less time required off work.
Theory & Practical work included.
Outdoor training.
Small groups for Practical training.
2 Tests included that you can FAIL!
Must revise for Mod 2 yourself.
Outdoor training.
Classroom based.
Plenty of useful information.
You get to have 5 days off work!
No tests! Attendance = PASS
Classroom based.
Requires 5 days off work.
More expensive.
More time consuming.
Usually run in larger groups.
Powerpoint presentations.
Usually I would advise drivers who are also going to be undertaking a Hgv driving course to look at doing the Initial CPC Module 2 & Module 4 you will then be required to undergo the CPC 35 hours every 5 years anyway so you won't be missing out if you chose to go with the Initial CPC.
If you are looking at simply driving C1 under your existing entitlements then its easier to go with the CPC 35 hours.
However the choice is all yours & completely down to personal preferences!